King Planning is about goals, deliverables and results
King Planning works with local and international clients on a variety of utilities infrastructure and energy projects. With extensive experience we have an enviable track record of success.

Medupi Power Station, South Africa
Date: 2013 to present
Medupi Power Station in a greenfield dry-cooled coal-fired power station located in northern South Africa. It will be the largest dry-cooled power station in the world. King Planning was engaged by the German subcontractor responsible for the design, manufacture, supply and erection of six air-cooled condenser units as part of the power station. King Planning has provided forensic analysis and dispute advice services regarding delay and disruption and we are currently engaged in the provision of expert witness services in ongoing arbitral proceedings against the contractor.
Playford Power Station, South Australia
Date: 2004 to 2007
Playford Power Station, now closed, was a coal-fired power station located at Port Paterson in South Australia. Refurbishment works comprising electrical, control and instrumentation works were carried out between 2002 and 2005. The contractor who carried out those works commenced proceedings against its subcontractor in the Supreme Court of South Australia, primarily regarding delay. King Planning was engaged by the subcontractor in its defence of the contractor’s claims. Our expert gave evidence in the Supreme Court proceedings and that evidence was accepted by the Court. The contractor’s claims failed in their entirety.
Sludge Treatment Facility, Hong Kong
Date: 2016 to present
The Sludge Treatment Facility was constructed between 2010 and 2016 and is currently the world’s largest sludge treatment plant. The facility was constructed by a joint venture contractor at a cost of HK$5.5 billion. King Planning was engaged by the joint venture contractor to carry out forensic analysis services and provide dispute advice in its dispute with the Hong Kong Government in relation to delay claims.