King Planning is about goals, deliverables and results

King Planning works with local and international clients on a variety of government projects.  With extensive experience we have an enviable track record of success.

  • New Royal Adelaide Hospital, South Australia

    New Royal Adelaide Hospital, South Australia

    The New Royal Adelaide Hospital is an AUD$2.4 billion hospital and the most expensive building constructed in Australia. King Planning was engaged by the joint venture contractor to provide forensic analysis and advice in relation to claims associated with the early works. Those claims were subsequently settled by the parties.


  • Dr Pixley Memorial Hospital, South Africa

    Dr Pixley Memorial Hospital, South Africa

    The Dr Pixley Ka Isaka Seme Hospital is a 500-bed, ZAR$2.5 billion hospital in Durban, South Africa which is expected to open in mid-2019. King Planning was engaged by the head contractor, a large listed South African construction and engineering company, to carry out forensic analysis services and provide an expert report for the purposes of its claims against the principal. Those claims were subsequently settled.


  • Australian Embassy, Indonesia

    Australian Embassy, Indonesia

    The Australian Embassy is located in Jakarta, Indonesia. As Australia’s largest and most expensive embassy, it comprises a 50,000sqm building and was constructed at a cost of AUD$415 million. King Planning was engaged by the head contractor to carry out programming services, being the preparation of a programme to complete.


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Project delivery and dispute resolution without delay.

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